Category Archives: antirrhesis


Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

Me: “I gotta tell you, you’re off your nut.” I said “Eating a book will not make you smarter. It will make sick. This is the most asinine idea you ever came up with. Eating Plato’s Meno will not make you one bit wiser, even if you only eat a little bit— maybe a half-page per week. Read it, don’t eat it, for God’s sake!”

You: “Lookit asshole—you are the idiot here. Stop dictating my life’s course with your inflexible “down to earth” bullshit. You are, once again, rejecting something you could benefit from just because of your life in the Nerdy Sphere, where everything is careful-careful, tiptoeing around truth like it is a piece of dog crap on your carpet. Wake up num-nuts, smell the coffee and roses, and other things that are reminders of life’s joys. Instead, you’re going around like you’re sniffing wet dogs and cans of ‘4,000 Dead Fish Heads’ cat food.

I learned about book eating on the internet: ‘Swallow the Truth.’ There was a picture of the bearded Swami Litterati sitting in a red Cadillac convertible on a tropical beach. The website explained the benefits of ingesting books—how they would literally be digested by your body, and eventually your brain without having to put in the effort of reading. ‘Swallow the Truth’ has a cookbook for sale for $15.00. I purchased one. It shows how you can include book pages in a variety of dishes—making them really easy to swallow. My favorite is ‘Paperback Pizza.’

I have been eating Plato’s dialogues for the past year and I’m almost done. I’m still waiting for the ‘message’ to come through, but I have learned something very deep: Having faith in something that has no discernible affect on your life, is the faithfullest faith you could ever have, and if faith is all you need, nothing else matters—just faith with no return—with a foundation in futility. So, as I eat the dialogues to no effect, there is a lesson: futility is the pinnacle of human experience. Living life with no expectations of a return for your efforts will set you free. So, now I’m going to eat a page out of Plato’s Gorgias. I’ve moistened it and sprinkled it with powdered sugar to improve its taste. Here goes!”

Me: To impress me, he wadded up the page and stuffed it in his mouth and tried to swallow it whole without chewing. He started choking. I gave him the Heimlich Maneuver. I tugged and lifted and hugged and hugged. He was going limp and turning colors. I reached in his mouth to fish out the paper wad and he bit me. The ambulance arrived. The EMT guy had a thing like a drain snake with tweezers on the end. She shoved it down my friend’s throat, twisted it, and pulled out the paper wad. He took a big breath. My friend was going to live!

I went to see him at the hospital and he blamed me for what had happened. I told him to go fu*k himself and left, slowly wadding up a quarter-page of Heidegger’s Being and Time. I was sorely tempted to pop it into my mouth. But instead, I threw it on the floor and crushed it with my boot.

Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (

Buy a print edition of The Daily Trope! The print edition is entitled The Book of Tropes and is available on Amazon for $9.99.


Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

Hey Ma, listen to this: our little schooly girl is trying t’ tell me the earth is round like a big tomato floatin’ in the sky with all us a livin’ on it, like ants on a gum ball. She says her teacher, Miss Toomy, said it’s true. Well, I’ll tell you right now that Miss Toomy should be fired. It’s like when she told our little girl our well water comes from rivers under the earth! God, is she ignorant! We all know the water is left over from the big rain storm when Noah sailed his boat around filled with animals—mainly chickens. When it stopped raining Noah went swimming and had a great time. Too bad he only had two ducks. And where did I get these true facts from? It was Grandma’s home schooling. She taught me more in two weeks than that ignoramus looser Miss Toomy could teach you in 200 years. Me an’ Grandma would sit on the couch and she would teach me a lesson. I did not know how to write, so I’d put the lesson in my vast storehouse memory. When Grandma tested me, I did not remember any of the answers. She would say, “It’s all right, Bob Dole never remembered nothin’ either, yet he opened a corn dog factory in Kansas and made a lot of money.” Grandma knew everything. Some days we’d take the tractor out and Grandma would teach me the road signs: red for stop, curved arrow for curve, cross for intersection, triangle for merge. My favorite was speed limits where I had to match the numbers on the sign with the numbers the arrow pointed to on the speed meter in front of me. Top speed for the tractor was 25, so there was lot’s of times I couldn’t make a match. Grandma would say “Put the pedal to the metal!” I didn’t get it. Grandma said that it was my poetry lesson.

Anyways, we need to get rid of Miss Toomy and her communist pervert propaganda that will surely ruin our daughter’s chance for success in our little corner on the world. As soon as she lets it leak that she thinks the earth is round, they’ll put her on a bus and send her north, where they believe that kind of blasphemic crap. I think we should go to the school board meetin’ on Tuesday. I’ll give a speech callin’ for Miss Toomy to quit or be fired.

At the meeting I was told to shut up and sit down. Miss Toomy is Mayor Toomy’s niece. I shoulda figured that out— you know—two Toomys. Now I’m lookin’ for a steady job. I think I have a crack at “rag man” at the car wash. I’m real good at wringin’ and operatin’ a squeegee.

Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (

Buy a print edition of The Daily Trope! The print edition is entitled The Book of Tropes and is available on Amazon for $9.99.


Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

A: You’re so full of crap your breath smells like a gas station restroom! There’s no way out you lying piece of flattened roadkill! You will never learn, you chunky puddle of vomit on a priceless Persian carpet! I think it might be time to call it quits with you, you overflowing urine bucket in a crowded jail cell!

What is “right” about what you’ve done? Bullshit! You wouldn’t know what’s right if it bit you on the butt. What can be “right” about going hunting at the zoo? You shot Hermy the popular and adorable sloth! Your reason for shooting Hermy? “All the other animals moved too fast.” That’s the kind of answer I’d expect from a psychopath, and you’re a psychopath. So, get out of here. I hope you get caught Mr. Pervert. I never should’ve bought that damn handgun for your birthday. All these years you held your malicious hostility toward zoo animals in check. I guess the gun prompted you to play out your perversion. I’m sorry, but not that sorry.

I’m going to the veterinary hospital to visit Hermy. I don’t ever want to see you again. Do the right thing: turn yourself in. What’s that? A sloth costume!! No, I won’t put it on! Ever! No! Never! No. . . .

B: Put it on very slowly.

Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (

Buy a print edition of The Daily Trope! The print edition is entitled The Book of Tropes and is available on Amazon for $9.99.


Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

You have no right to call me your friend. Is leaving me stranded in Salt Lake City what a friend does? Is cleaning out my bank account after you stole my PIN what a friend does? And God—letting all my houseplants die when you “took care” of them while I was in the hospital after you “accidentally” shot me—that’s friendship?

Now you want to borrow my debit card because we’re friends? We are NOT friends! Friends are nice to each other. Friends care about each other. We will never be friends. We are enemies. Get out! Stay away from me! Go ruin somebody else’s life.

Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (

Buy a print edition of The Daily Trope! The print edition is entitled The Book of Tropes and is available on Amazon for $9.99.


Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

Your idiocy outstrips itself as you dance the dullard dance toward yet another belief that’s right up there with the moon being made of green cheese, which you actually believe!

You think we should so something about gun control. So far, so good. But, my God–you want to arm cats and dogs–dogs with rifles and cats with handguns. You want to mount dash cams on them and somehow hook them up to a remote trigger-pulling mechanism?

First, your idea is utterly insane–especially you reason for arming cats with handguns instead of rifles–something about their tails fitting better in the smaller trigger guards on handguns and the likelihood they’ll be able to fire more rapidly. And then, there’s dogs with rifles! No comment. Just plain insane.

Second, where the hell does your plan say anything at all about gun control? Nowhere. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

You need to go stand in a corner and think about how stupid you are. When you think you’ve stood there long enough, come back over here and we can talk. But please, no gun toting cats and dogs. Gun toting people are a big enough problem.

So, go! Get over there!

Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (

Buy a print edition of The Daily Trope! The print edition is entitled The Book of Tropes and is available on Amazon for $9.99.


Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

Why do I hear “quack, quack, quack” when you start talking about climate change? Do you really think the white lab coat you’re wearing gives you any credibility? Maybe, if you’re playing Ken & Barbie and you’re modeling Ken’s Halloween costume, it would work to afford you some credibility, but only as Dr. Barbie’s bumbling sidekick Prof. Hoax.

As far as being a ‘real’ scientist goes, the white coat’s not enough–especially when you start talking about so-called “natural” forces as the cause of climate change, rather than human agency.  The ‘natural forces’ you cite are humanly induced effects first, and secondarily, causes of bad things: like melting polar icecaps, flooding Pacific islands, destruction of coral reefs, wildfires, etc.

The only positive thought I have whenever I hear you speak is that it is your Constitutional right to do so. That’s after I yell “boo!” at you and wonder once again, who the hell is paying you to fill peoples’ heads with lies and nonsense. In short, who’s the evil rich person buying the bullshit you’re selling? Who?

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Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (

Buy a print edition of The Daily Trope! The print edition is entitled The Book of Tropes and is available on Amazon for $9.99.


Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

You claim to be an expert on life, love and learning! I took your advice and now my life is a mess, I am all alone and I feel more stupid than I ever felt in my life.

I paid you $900.00 to ‘tailor’ my life and you gave me a a giant clown suit made out of lies and decorated with pointless damaging advice.

Now I know what a life coach REALLY is: A Life ROACH.  Be honest, that’s what you are, a sneaky little bug that’s hard to squash!

Well guess what? My lawyer will squash you in public.  See you in court, you life-wrecking insect.

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Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (



Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

You keep telling us to stop talking and do something. Instead of telling us to stop talking, why don’t you just shut up? That’s something actually worth doing! Go sit in the corner and send Tweets to your nutty friends, Rand.

Now, let’s continue our discussion. Let’s see . . . where were we?  Mitch, what are your thoughts on furloughing the Coast Guard so we won’t be forced to close the Senate Cafeteria while the sequester’s up and running?  Seems like a classic case of guns vs. butter.  What say, Mitch? Send the Coasties home?

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Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (


Antirrhesis (an-tir-rhee’-sis): Rejecting reprehensively the opinion or authority of someone.

I reject your point of view–it’s based on the belief that people cannot be trusted to govern themselves.  If people cannot be trusted to govern themselves, who is going to govern them? Cows? Caterpillars? Coyotes? Hoot owls? Earthworms? How can we trust a person who claims that people can’t be trusted? Certainly, I don’t trust you–not because you’re a person, but because you’re a fool.

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Definition courtesy of Silva Rhetoricae (