Category Archives: ara


Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

Mothers. Who died, and put them in charge? Nag, nag, nag to no avail except a feeling of worthlessness and anxiety. Do my socks smell? What about my armpits? Do they smell? Do I smell? Why should it matter? Because Mother makes it matter by bringing it up all the time: “Son, you have B.O. you better go soak in some laundry detergent. Then, you’ll smell as fresh as a sunny May day—72 degrees with a mild breeze and Crocus coming up in everybody’s front yard.” She made being clean like a peak experience in life—like watching your child being born or hiking the Appalachian trail from beginning to end, or finding a coin worth thousands of dollars of dollars in your change at the grocery store.

I guess what I hate is the prodding it takes to be normal, always needing somebody else to frame it for you, because you do not know what it is. My mother would ask me: “You are on your way to school and see a house in flames. What should you do?” I wanted to get it right, and my mother was going to determine that from my answer. The words “normal” and “right” had no meaning for me—they just were said to see their effect on others, which would determine their meaning for the time being. So, I ventured an answer to Mother’s question: “I would keep on way to school. The people in the house will die no matter what I do. There’s not even a garden hose to put out the fire as far as I know. But learning is more important. I don’t want to be late to school. I might miss something.” No matter what I answered Mother would slap me across the face and yell “Moron!” So, given the repetition of question/answer/slapping sequence I can think of myself as a Moron. It was a comfortable feeling, knowing I would never amount to anything, and striving was unnecessary for me to achieve my potential, because it was nonexistent. I was on a cruise—no corporate ladders to climb, no worrying about body odor except when my mother came visit. She reaffirmed my moronhood, and the leisurely lifestyle it affords me. But, I still hate her because she didn’t ask me more questions I couldn’t answer correctly, deepening my moronic self concept.

When you’re wrong all the time, nobody expects you to be right. This is a wonderful feeling: nobody expects anything from you. You are free! This is the moron’s credo.

Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (

The Daily Trope is available on Amazon in paperback under the title of The Book of Tropes for $9.95. It is also available in Kindle format for $5.99.


Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

I hate everybody, and with good reason. Damn humanity! Screw all people! Eat shit featherless bipeds. Oh, and by the way, I’m human so I hate myself and mistrust myself. I mistrust my mistrust ad infinitum. I am wary of me and always think twice before doing anything I want to do. So, I do nothing. But, I learned the hard way, doing nothing is doing something. Like the time I was downtown shopping for a turtle at the pet store. I noticed the heat in one of the aquariums was turned up too high. The water was starting to boil and the fish were bouncing around in the bubbles. I was in a hurry, so I went straight to the turtle tank, scooped up a turtle, paid, and left. It was starting to smell like fish chowder as I went out the door. Just as I got out the door, I heard the proprietor yell “Oh my God! Those are my most expensive fish! I’ll kill the sadistic bastard who did this!” Although I didn’t turn up the heat, I was partially to blame for doing nothing about it. But, I don’t care.

I hate being apathetic. Apathy is my secret weapon, even though it’s the pathway to further self-loathing, regret, and isolation. I hate hating myself, but that does not make me like myself. At the same time, I hate the idea of killing myself, taking medication or joining a self-help group. My self-hatred manifests itself most palpably in my personal hygiene: I aim for bad breath as my signature hygiene statement. I think it is the most offensive body odor. I back it up by not washing my private parts. When I go to work at Carlisle’s Cheese Factory, some of my colleagues hold their noses when I walk by. I know it’s all in fun because the cheese factory smells worse than me, especially the Limburger Room, which is kept sealed off because of the Limburger’s stench, a stench I adore as resonant with the human condition.

Some old philosopher said “The people are a beast.” It might have been Ronald Reagan. It is true. We fight for everything, like beasts. Nothing belongs to everybody, except what nobody wants. The fights are metaphorical and literal. Greed motivates them: when two people want what’s only enough for one person, they fight for it (or buy it with superior wealth, gained from fighting elsewhere). Love, by the way, is a shared delusion that lasts until it’s put to the test by penury or some other misfortune. In love, you give up your autonomy—the one glimmer of happiness residing in our souls alongside being superior to other people. In short, love is a kind of mental illness.

Anyway, like I said I hate everybody, including myself. We’re all heartless scoundrels, and may not know it because we’ve never been faced with a pathetic charity case that deterred us from our greedy pursuit of everything of value to us; maybe donating $2.00 to the Hungry Children Cause, arguing that if thousands of people donate $2.00, it’ll add up to big bucks. But just imagine the hungry children lined up for their saltine with peanut butter and a cup of powdered milk.

Haha! I hate you. Damn you! You and everybody else. You’re no damn good. I’m no damn good. Get over it. Admit it. I did. I’m running for President.

Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (

Paper and Kindle versions of The Daily Trope are available from Amazon under the title of The Book of Tropes.


Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

I hate the guy who fixes my lawn mower. He always makes it a big deal by using technical terms to describe he did, so he can charge me more money: “I rearticulated your rotoric sward inscisor. That’ll be $100.” What the hell is that? That’s what I paid for the lawn mower brand new! If I refuse to pay, he’ll take me to small claims court and embarrass me, or he’ll file a mechanic’s lien against my mower.

I’m fed up. I am going to make my yard into a meadow for wildflowers, bunnies, butterflies, and birds.

I’ve been getting complaints from my neighbors about my meadow and there’s some kind of law that will make me pay a weekly fine until I mow. So, it’s back to the damn mower mechanic to bail out my mower. He greets me: “Salutations Mr. Parsimonious Pants. Your sward cropper awaits—it is reconstituted and agog to return to its calling.”

That was it, I picked up a wrench and hit him on the head. I was going to grind up him with my mower. I pulled the starter chord several times and nothing happened. He lifted his head off the floor and said: “I can correct that for a supplementary emolument of $150.”

I called 911, was convicted of battery, paid the fine and did the community service.

Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (

Paper and Kindle versions of The Daily Trope are available from Amazon under the title of The Book of Tropes.


Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

You stole everything from me you goddamned piece of shit. My heart. My home. My savings. My self-respect.

You are such a spectacular liar, you’ve turned my friends, and even my family, against me. But, I do have character witnesses who will be testifying on my behalf at my trial. I met them here on Ward 12 and they all promise to take their medication before testifying.

I don’t know how it came to this. I still don’t understand how you took everything from me and said it was justified by my mental incompetence, the “horrible thing” I did to you, your “need for safety” from my “viscous madness” and your need to protect my wealth and property from my craziness (diagnosed by a quack friend of yours at the psychiatric hospital).

What the hell did I ever do to you you back-stabbing, sulfur-stinking spawn of Satan? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. My lawyer Fido will get me off and get me everything back. He’s a cute Airedale Terrier who went to Harvard and knows how to deal with so-called “people” like you. He visits me nearly every night in my room. My other lawyer, Mr. Nelson, is an idiot. He wants me to plead insanity and get me the lightest sentence possible. When I told Fido, he growled and wouldn’t stop barking. That’s enough for me! No deals Mr. Nelson.

See you in court devil man!

Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (

Paper and Kindle versions of The Daily Trope are available from Amazon under the title of The Book of Tropes.


Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

I can’t find any way around it. I hate you. I hate you as much as I will revel in your death—cold, hard, lonely suffering. You were supposedly called by God when you became a Christian priest. But you were not called by anything except your perverse sexual desires .

You are morally rotted: befriending, grooming and teaching: not history or math, but Depravity 101. You should be chopped apart while you are awake—your legs cut into cubes of meat and thrown into a dumpster to be scavenged by wild animals.

I hate you for what you did me and all the others. I hope you are beaten senseless every day in prison. I hope you are murdered and cremated and your ashes flushed down a toilet or scattered over a landfill. I hate you.

Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (

Paper and Kindle versions of The Daily Trope are available from Amazon under the title of The Book of Tropes.


Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

Donald Trump: Satan’s minion. Damn everything that you have done and damn you too! There is not one measure you’ve enacted or piece of legislation you have supported that resonates with your supposed Christian values. For example, which Christian value does taking Medicaid benefits away from children adhere to? Faith? Hope? Charity? Loving your neighbor? Loving God with all your heart?

As Chief Counsel Joseph Welch said to Senator Joe McCarthy: “Have you no sense of decency?”

Look in the mirror: you are going to hell Mr. Sinner-in-Chief. You have no sense of decency.

Repent and change your sinful ways before it is too late! Get down on your knees and beg for your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to enter your heart and fill it with love, and cleanse your soul of its wickedness, greed, and vanity. For the sake of your family. For the sake of the USA. For the sake of the world. Repent!

Jesus will hear your prayer of salvation. Say it!

Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (


Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

Damn. Damn. Damn.


I am sick of the lies spewing out of President Trump. It seems that he does not realize (or care) how foolish he looks, or the gravity of accusing people of crimes without offering any supporting evidence.

Who is protecting him? How does he get away with it?

He is driving me crazy: Maybe that’s his point!

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Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (


Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

I am sick; sick of the inhumane atrocities daily committed in the name God.

The depraved serial killers running amok in Syria, Nigeria, Yemen and elsewhere steal God’s name, debase God’s name, shit on God’s name, every time they praise God’s name while raping, decapitating, shooting, looting, every time they burn a human being alive: EVERY TIME.

God damn them! Please!

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Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (



Ara (a’-ra): Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil.

According to Global Health Reporting.Org, “Malaria, one of the world’s most common and serious tropical diseases, causes at least one million deaths every year–the majority of which occur in the most resource-poor countries.”

The persistence of this disease and the death toll it annually exacts on “at least one million” of our fellow human beings are truly deserving of a depth of anger, a degree of disgust, and yes, a pointed feeling of guilt on our part for failing to demand every day that the world’s leaders allocate the medical and material resources to help those who are stricken, and to eradicate this evil disease from the face of the earth forever.

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Definition courtesy of “Silva Rhetoricae” (